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Overcoming Resentment in Marriage: Proven Steps to Keep Your Relationship Strong

July 6, 2023
Marriage is a beautiful journey with its ups and downs. However, resentment is a crucial aspect that can make or break a relationship. It can lead to a loveless marriage and emotional turmoil when left unchecked. Luckily, there are ways to overcome resentment and nurture a thriving relationship.

Here are my time-tested steps for keeping your relationship strong by understanding the hidden causes of resentment, recognizing the signs, and using effective strategies to repair and reconnect in a way that leaves both of you grateful and committed to each other.

Short Summary

  • Understanding resentment in marriage is essential to prevent damaging the relationship and recognize negative emotions.
  • Open communication, empathy & understanding, forgiveness & letting go are vital strategies for overcoming resentment.
  • Regular check-ins, prioritizing connections, and expressing gratitude can help prevent future irritations.

Understanding Resentment in Marriage

Resentment is a quiet ‘heart disease’ that builds up slowly with daily misses, hurts, and misunderstandings in relationships. The result is an accumulation of negative emotions towards your partner when you experience injustice, deception, inattention, mistreatment, or a lack of appreciation. Healing your relationship’s resentment is crucial for the success of a romantic relationship, as it undermines the sense of security, closeness, and goodwill essential for a healthy marriage.

Recognizing the presence of these emotions is the first step towards overcoming resentment in marriage. Understanding how bitterness is showing up in your relationship, what is causing it to thrive, and how to come together, instead of apart, to address and prevent any future resentment from damaging your marriage.

Defining Resentment

Resentment begins in marriage as a negative emotion that emerges from our perception of unjust treatment, frequently caused by unresolved matters or expectations that just are not being met, leading to resentment towards our partner. Remember all those unfinished conversations or potential fights left mid-fight? Many couples believe it’s better just to let the subject drop, move on, and not bring it up, not realizing this strategy rarely works long term.

Not every relationship displays resentment the same way. A few of the most common ways it looks and feels in a relationship involve emotional detachment, passive-aggressive behavior, and recurrent disagreements, especially when both partners hold resentment against each other. Addressing resentment in marriage requires open communication, cultivating empathy and understanding, and practicing forgiveness and letting go.

Common Causes of Resentment

When left unattended, resentment can grow and fester. Common causes include expectations that have gone unmet, acts of betrayal, inadequate communication, and discrepancies in the distribution of treatment within the relationship, often affecting one partner more than the other. For instance, having starkly disparate personalities and preferences can lead to one partner feeling resentment toward the other.

The failure to address an act of betrayal or lack of communication can lead to unresolved issues and the deterioration of the marriage. Additionally, unequal treatment in a marriage, such as verbal criticisms or demeaning behavior, can contribute to resentment.

Effects of Resentment on a Relationship

Resentment can have far-reaching consequences on a relationship. It can lead to emotional distance, loss of trust, and, in the worst case, the dissolution of a marriage. Allowing resentment to take its natural course can transform amiable individuals into gridlocked partners who find it inconceivable to communicate and form significant connections with others. Children, critters, family, and friends are also impacted by a couple’s growing resentment, bitterness, and dissatisfaction with each other and their relationship.

Emotional detachment in a marriage can result in a lack of intimacy and connection, eventually leading to the dissolution of the marriage. Thus, it is crucial to address resentment and work towards healing the relationship.

Linda and Daniel’s story

Linda and Daniel came to me after 10 yrs of marriage, two kids, and a ruined vacation. Linda called to start working on the union as she needed ‘someone to fix her husband.’ She was tired of feeling like she was raising three kids, juggling a busy career and home life. Daniel was anxious to understand how to fix things so he wasn’t always ‘making mistakes and upsetting his wife.’ He also worked full-time, participated in his kid’s afterschool activities as a coach, and carried his total share of home duties.

The catalyst for working with me came from a blow-up camping mattress and a forgotten extension cord. Like any typical vacation getaway, work runs over, packing takes longer, and last-minute items get lost in the mad dash and excitement to be on the road. Add in a wife that gets loud when she’s in a rush, kids that try to help but end up doing more work, and a husband that gets more anxious and forgetful when he knows he’s failing in her eyes.

After a long drive with multiple bathroom and meal breaks, Daniel and Linda arrive at their site with the plan for her to keep the kids occupied while he sets things up. All goes well until the final touches of blowing up the mattress. There’s an electrical outlet 80 feet away, but no extension cord. Naturally, as life happens, that’s when Linda and the kids make it back to camp. Linda fully expected the camp to be completely ready, including the tent with sleeping bags and campfire lit and welcoming the beginning of a nice escape.

That’s when Linda lost in. In front of the kids and fellow campers, she started her typical rant about how useless and forgetful he was, raising three kids type of belittling loud vent.

Daniel remembers seeing the kid’s faces fall and shoulders hunch over with tears growing. No matter how he tried to calm Linda down and tell her he had a plan, she continued to ridicule and rage. Finally, he grabbed the mattress and air pump and walked over to the electrical outlet to start pumping it up slowly. A few kind fellow campers edged around to offer suggestions and support. But he bravely mustered the project himself, embarrassed and humiliated.

Later when it was time for bed, Linda moved her sleeping bag over to the outside, placing the kids between them, another standard signal to Daniel that he had not measured up again.

Recognizing Signs of Resentment in Your Marriage

Linda and Daniel’s story is familiar. They were once a loving couple and fell into poor habits, missing communication skills and conflict strategies to bring them closer instead of struggling and considering separation. They didn’t recognize that the hidden reason for many of these moments was unresolved resentment in their marriage. Some indications of resentment in marriage include emotional withdrawal, passive-aggressive behavior, and frequent arguments. By recognizing these signs, you can take steps to address and overcome resentment before it damages your relationship further.

In the following sections, we will explore these signs in more detail to help you better understand and address them.

Emotional Withdrawal

Emotional withdrawal occurs when one or both partners become emotionally distant, leading to a lack of intimacy and connection. Common indications of emotional withdrawal include:

  • A decrease in eye contact.
  • A reduction in physical touch.
  • A decline in sexual relationships.
  • A moving barrier between partners.

Addressing emotional withdrawal requires fostering open communication, exhibiting empathy and understanding, and practicing forgiveness and letting go. Doing so can nurture emotional intimacy and prevent resentment from growing in your relationship.

Passive-Aggressive Behavior

Passive-aggressive behavior is a subtle way of expressing resentment without directly addressing the issue, often resulting in further misunderstandings and conflicts. This type of behavior can manifest itself as withholding communication or intimacy, emotional withdrawal, making critical comments, veiled threats, or small acts of sabotage.

Addressing passive-aggressive behavior requires open communication, empathy, understanding, and forgiveness. Addressing and resolving this behavior can prevent resentment from building up in your relationship.

Frequent Arguments

Frequent arguments over the same issues indicate unresolved resentment and poor communication, leaving couples in a gridlock or stalemate situation. These arguments can stem from inadequate communication, lack of resolution, verbal abuse, or revisiting past arguments.

Successful couples must have open conversations, listen to each other’s perspectives and concerns, demonstrate empathy and understanding, grant forgiveness, and release negative feelings. By addressing and resolving these arguments, couples can work towards healing resentment and fostering a healthier relationship.

Strategies for Overcoming Resentment

Using Linda and Daniel’s story, it’s pretty easy to see how resentment shows up in their most recent fight example. Linda and Daniel left on their vacation with expectations about each other. Linda’s anxiety was high with her desire for the perfect holiday and her expectation that Daniel would mess something up. So as the trip became delayed and life just happened, her attention focused, and she blamed Daniel for many things that were out of his control. She focused on what had gone wrong and not what had gone right. The good stuff? It’s the small stuff, like a safe trip with the family and his creativity to fill the mattress for a cozy night. Daniel’s style of not revisiting past fights and misunderstandings, plus his expectation that he could not please her, left plenty of room for the two of them to harbor resentment.

Each relationship or marriage has its style, so take a moment and think about how resentment might look inside yours. It is natural for two people to come together to have fights and misunderstandings. Successful couples know that fights are part of a healthy relationship, so they anticipate them and develop strategies to overcome and repair resentment. These strategies involve open communication, empathy and understanding, forgiveness, and letting go.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively address and resolve resentment in your marriage, paving the way for a healthier and happier relationship.

Open Communication

Open communication is crucial in addressing resentment and nurturing a thriving relationship. It involves being honest, transparent and actively listening to your partner. You can foster effective communication and rebuild trust in your marriage by expressing your thoughts, feelings, and needs, remaining open, and being willing to compromise and work through issues together.

Remember, the key to resolving resentment is to articulate your emotions from your point of view and engage in open communication with your partner.

Empathy and Understanding

Empathy and understanding involve putting yourself in your partner’s shoes and acknowledging their perspective, which can help diffuse resentment. It requires actively listening to your partner without judgment, comprehending their feelings, and being willing to negotiate. By cultivating empathy and understanding, you can foster a stronger bond between you and your partner and move towards resolving resentment and building a healthier relationship.

Forgiveness and Letting Go

Forgiveness and letting go are crucial for overcoming resentment and rebuilding a healthy relationship. Forgiveness is a conscious decision to release past grievances and progress as a unified pair. It requires relinquishing the entitlement to seek revenge against their partner who has caused pain and embracing the effects of the action that triggered it.

By practicing forgiveness and letting go, you can effectively overcome resentment and pave the way for a stronger and more fulfilling marriage.

Linda and Daniel meant well; they thought they were communicating well. Linda came from a family where people stuffed their feelings, so she thought she was breaking that cycle of silence by being vocal. Daniel, too, went into the marriage without useful communication skills. His family experience was that of a dominating father and a never-ending quest to do things right, so his father would be pleased or proud.

As part of their work with my Couple’s Smart Restart Sprint, they quickly gained the communication skills and strategies that worked for their relationship dynamics and needs. Linda learned how to set the stage for success and share her expectations with Daniel before instead of after. Daniel, too, realized that he often contributed to misunderstandings by not sharing his perspective and needs. Together they created an environment of empathy and tolerance for each other. Learning how to let go of the little things and focus on the loving relationship they both desired.

Strengthening Your Marriage After Resentment

Identifying and overcoming resentment is the beginning of the healing process. Often requiring an expert to assist the couple in recognizing the past hurts and mistakes and guiding them in the following steps to fix the old wounds, strengthen their marriage, and prevent future issues.

Linda and Daniel had begun reclaiming their marriage by overcoming resentment. One of the tools they used was learning more about want each other needed to feel loved and appreciated in their marriage. They aren’t alone. Many couples don’t understand what their partner needs to feel loved, so they miss the mark regularly, leaving both confused and neglected.

I’ve included my FREE Love Languages Guide, a game-changer that helps you quickly understand and connect using the power of your love languages, just like Linda and Daniel.

This next section will discuss strategies for rebuilding trust, nurturing emotional intimacy, and setting healthy boundaries to ensure a strong and vibrant relationship moving forward.

Rebuilding Trust

Rebuilding trust is a gradual process that involves consistent effort, honesty, and transparency from both partners. It consists in communicating candidly and truthfully about the issues that caused the loss of trust, being prepared to forgive and take responsibility for your actions, and taking measures to restore confidence, such as establishing boundaries, being consistent in your behavior, and being patient with one another.

By rebuilding trust, you can foster a secure and emotionally intimate relationship resilient against future resentment.

Nurturing Emotional Intimacy

Nurturing emotional intimacy in romantic relationships involves reconnecting with your partner through shared experiences, open communication, and affection. By engaging in activities together, such as going on dates, taking a class together, or going on a vacation, you can strengthen the bond between you and cultivate a greater understanding of one another’s complex emotions, including intense emotions.

Additionally, fostering open communication and expressing gratitude for each other can further enhance emotional intimacy and create a strong foundation for a resilient marriage.

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Setting healthy boundaries helps prevent future resentment by establishing clear expectations and guidelines for behavior in the relationship. It starts with an honest conversation and a willingness to reach an agreement that honors each other.

Maintaining healthy boundaries and addressing potential conflicts through open and honest dialogue can ensure a solid and fulfilling marriage in the long run.

What Linda and Daniel had missed was the impact of broken trust, emotional withdrawal, and missing boundaries, and mutual respect were missing in their marriage. Both had experienced broken trust with deadlines and vague expectations popping up daily. Feeling like they were in a war zone instead of a love zone, they withdrew and left things unspoken. They were drifting further and further apart. So someone drew boundaries, but not in a helpful way. Linda’s were hard and firm, which left no room for empathy or negotiation. Daniel’s were vague, drifting, and ever-changing based upon the mood of the marriage. Together they learned how to create healthy, loving boundaries that demonstrated respect and caring for each other.

When to Seek Professional Help

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, resentment may persist or resurface. In these cases, seeking professional help, such as couples coaching, therapy, or counseling, may be necessary. Recognizing when to seek help is essential to ensure your marriage’s success and provide the support needed to address and resolve core issues.

It is important to remember that seeking help is not a sign of weakness but strength.

Signs That It’s Time for Help

Signs that it’s time for help include persistent resentment, inability to communicate effectively, and declining overall relationship satisfaction. If you and your partner cannot address the issues at hand successfully, it may be advantageous to seek professional guidance. Recognizing these signs early on can prevent further damage to your marriage and provide the support needed to navigate challenging times.

Relationship coaching or counseling can help couples identify and address underlying issues and develop better communication skills.

Benefits of Reaching Out to an Expert

Seeking professional help through relationship coaching and counseling experts can benefit resentful couples. Connection or relationship coaching allows individuals to become more mindful of themselves, improve their psychological well-being, and develop their communication and boundary-setting abilities. Additionally, it provides an opportunity to gain new perspectives, understand their strengths, learn effective communication strategies, and receive guidance from a neutral third party.

By deciding to work with a marriage or relationship expert, you and your partner can work together to overcome resentment and create a stronger, healthier marriage.

Preventing Resentment in the Future

Now that you have learned how to address and overcome resentment taking steps to prevent it from resurfacing in the future is essential. Regularly checking in with your partner, prioritizing connection, and practicing gratitude ensure your relationship remains strong and resilient against future challenges.

Regular Check-Ins

Regular check-ins with your partner help maintain open communication and address potential issues before they escalate. You can foster a healthy and thriving relationship by dedicating time to discussing each partner’s feelings and needs and how they can better support one another. Online therapy can be a helpful tool in facilitating these meaningful conversations.

Establishing a routine for regular check-ins can ensure that both partners stay connected and committed to the success of their marriage. It is easy if you have the right tools. Grab my Free Couples Connection Checklist, where I’ve done all the heavy lifting for you. Plus, it’s fully customizable, so add your relationship’s flair.

Prioritizing Connection

Prioritizing connection in your marriage requires setting aside time for each other, participating in activities together, and expressing gratitude for each other. It also requires honesty and transparency, listening, and a desire to understand each other’s perspectives.

By prioritizing connection, you can build a solid and enduring bond that can withstand the challenges that may arise in the future.

Practicing Gratitude

Practicing gratitude in your marriage is essential for fostering a positive mindset and appreciation for your partner. By expressing gratitude for your spouse, reflecting on the positive aspects of your relationship, and striving to be aware of your emotions and thoughts, you can help reduce the likelihood of resentment building up.

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude not only strengthens your relationship but can also improve your overall well-being.


In conclusion, overcoming resentment in marriage requires understanding its causes, recognizing its signs, and implementing effective strategies to address and resolve it. You can create a stronger, more fulfilling relationship by rebuilding trust, nurturing emotional intimacy, setting healthy boundaries, and seeking professional help when needed. Open communication, empathy, and gratitude are essential to a successful marriage. Remember these principles, and your relationship will flourish, free of resentment.

Where to start? I here. Click on the link to schedule your Complimentary Couples Connection Call, where we will chat for about 30 minutes about what is going on and can come up with some options on what would be the best fit for you to move forward to help you save your relationship. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a marriage survive with resentment?

A marriage can survive with resentment, but both partners must recognize what has caused the resentment and actively work together on a path to repair. This process can be challenging and requires patience and dedication to improve things from both sides.

While not every marriage will survive this challenge, it is still worth attempting for those who want to save their relationship.

How do you fix resentment in a marriage?

To fix resentment in a marriage, work on communication, listen actively, focus on your partner’s positive qualities, practice gratitude, and seek professional counseling if necessary.

Developing empathy and expressing feelings while working towards forgiveness will also help to heal any relationship rifts caused by resentment.

What are the signs of resentment?

Resentment often manifests as feelings of anger, hurt, frustration, and bitterness. Letting go of the hostility, disengagement, emotional distance, and past events is not always easy. After all, we’ve built this mindset and responses based on what we believe is necessary to survive in our relationship. Understandably, the couple becomes strained, and trust can quickly deteriorate.

What are the common causes of resentment in marriage?

Resentment in marriage can occur when couples don’t have honest communication, engage in unhealthy power dynamics, fail to meet each other’s needs, or have broken trust.

These all contribute to emotional disconnect and can lead to resentment over time.

What strategies can help overcome resentment in marriage?

Acknowledge and accept the feeling of resentment, strive for better communication, make an effort to practice forgiveness, and trying to understand your partner’s perspective can all help to overcome resentment in marriage. These steps can help to create a healthier and more positive relationship between partners. It is important to remember that resentment can be a regular part of marriage, but it is essential to work through it to maintain a healthy relationship.


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