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How’s Your Abundance Challenge Going?

March 4, 2018

So, how’s your abundance challenge going?

It’s Friday…and I’m wondering how you might be using this challenge for yourself…and the special ones in your life tonight and throughout the weekend. Let’s say you aren’t thrilled about the coming weekend as it will be filled with fun stuff like… grocery shopping, laundry, house cleaning…or running ragged going to kid’s events.

Stop for a moment and pause.
Breathe and get in the moment of where you are…what you are feeling.
When we can slow ourselves down and simply be aware…it’s a game changer on our attitude.

Here’s a tip: start a Thanksgiving list (No, not the holiday shopping/cooking/invite list ? ) but your own personal list of really great things to like about your life…even if it is stressful or jam packed full…there are really awesome people, things, events in your life that if you stopped and paused…you be winning the attitude game and abundance challenge.

Up the game and invite the special one’s in your life…. your hubby, wife, significant other, kids, friends…to play along and let’s see just how your Thanksgiving list grows! I know my kids loved to play these games…true they might not have got the underlying goal I had in mind, but it sure changed up their energy…they smiled and laughed as they tried to think of one more great thing in their life.

Try using questions these to get the focus off what HAS to be DONE or is WRONG…

What’s exciting about right now?
What are looking forward to today, tonight, tomorrow?
What’s the silliest thing you saw or did today?
What do you want to make sure we do this week?

…you get the idea…come up with some questions and post them here for all of us to try out at home!
If you’d like to talk to me directly and learn more about my MOM-Momentum coaching program, just click here and schedule your free private Discovery call.
Hugs, Dr. Liz

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